erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

01 June 2008

2008 is the new 1989

I feel like I'm in a time warp. Fashion and music trends have been doing the 80s revival for a while now. Now there just happens to be an Indiana Jones movie in theaters and the Lakers and Celtics are battling for the NBA title. What's left to bring back? Danny Pintauro? McDLTs? Coke II? The Edmonton Oilers?

After growing up watching Bird and Magic battle before Michael Jordan came along, I must admit it's nice to see these two franchises back to prominence. (I hope you burn Kobe)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's left? hair metal ballads, neon clothes. pegged jeans, acid wash, smoking in public areas, widespread political incorrectness, styrofoam containers, not to mention high rotations of commercials selling compilations called FREEDOM ROCK! TURN IT UP DUDE!

9:06 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

Available on 4 records, 3 cassettes or 2 CDs!!!!!!!

11:07 AM  

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