erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

06 May 2008

Arbitrary Drinking Holidays

This was brought up last night as we were throwing down some Coronas in honor of Cinco de Mayo, but why do Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo? I honestly don't know the meaning of the holiday (until I google it) and what it has to do with drinking. All I know is that it's an excuse to drink alcohol, especially Mexican alcohol, for upstanding non-alcoholic citizens of America.

Then it got me thinking of other such arbitrary drinking holidays and all I could think up was St. Patrick's Day and the Day Before (American) Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure everyone gets royally snookered on St. Patty's Day because of drunken Irish stereotypes and not the saint's good deeds. And then there's the good ol' Day Before (American) Thanksgiving, when everyone makes a pilgrimage to their hometowns for turkey, football and good times* with old friends and certain classmates you'd rather not see again, ever.

So, anyone got an idea what may be some other Arbitrary Drinking Holidays?

*This being getting belligerent on $2 Jager Bombs, passing out in ATM kiosks and hoping to God you find a way home for dinner and not get thrown in jail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say Halloween, as well, since every American thinks it's completely okay to dress up like a slut/asshole and get Pwned by alcohol once they turn 21.

P.S. Hilarious recap to the events of that one pre-Thanksgiving occurence. Don't forget our first Post-Christmas Debacle, as well!

10:30 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

Ah the post-christmas debacle, none have come close to the original, unfortunately. I didn't consider it because it's our own arbitrary holiday and not a holiday any random American would agree to.

I agree with Halloween somewhat. It's more like the (only) excuse to dress up like a slut/arse than reason to drink.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i always thought tuesday was a prime candidate for celebrating hump-day eve.

9:55 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

Now you're just making them up. I'm talking about holidays that show up on real calendars!

10:59 AM  

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