My science project

So when I got word that Robert Downey Jr. got cast as Tony Stark some months ago, I was mortified. There was really only one option in terms of mustaches, Tom Selleck. Plus he was a big physical guy that could be a believable superhero, unlike Robert Downey Jr.
After seeing the finished product, I stand corrected. Robert Downey Jr. fit the role perfect once I stopped paying attention to the mustache. Smart. Smooth. Playboy. And he looks more youthful than Selleck who I just realized is 63 years old (his mustache makes him look half that). Oh yeah, the movie's good too. Good popcorn fare with a logical story that doesn't get too hokey, unlike other Marvel comic adaptations. Action and effects were solid, but I actually enjoyed Stark's process of producing the final Iron Man suit the best. It's no X-Men or Spider-Man 1, but it's better than the Hulk, Ghost Rider and Fantastic Four.
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