Grown men...?
2. A witty e-mail signature. Quotes and song lyrics should be heard during toasts and karaoke performances, respectively. Don't let your electronic correspondence become the digital version of a motivational poster.
3. An empty refrigerator. Your larder should be amply stocked, your pantry provisioned. Always aim to be ready to create an on-the-fly, three-course dinner for her...along with breakfast in bed.
4. PlayStation thumb. When they're relaxing, grown men can behave like children. But if you devolve long enough to cause calluses or button-shaped bruises, you're assuredly missing out on life.
5. A key chain with a bottle opener. This bauble is both a gauche reminder of your college days and proof that you don't know how to apply leverage using available, impromptu bottle openers: a lighter, the back end of a fork.
6. A lucky shirt. Every shirt is lucky when worn by a man who knows that the harder he works the luckier he'll be.
7. An unstamped passport.
8. Olympic dreams. Exceptions: curling and archery.
9. Less than $20 in his wallet. Fiduciary nudity is negligence. A real man should always carry a business card and enough dough to pick up coffee, bagels, and the Sunday paper without whipping out the plastic.
10. A name for his penis. Even if it's a really clever name.
11. Any beer that costs less than $20 a case. And no exception for the grand-slam 30-pack that crosses that price threshold.
12. The need to quote The Big Lebowski/ Caddyshack/Superbad. Reciting someone else's lines reminds people that you haven't the wit to write your own.
13. A futon. Sure, beds are for sleeping. But such a meager, slouchy spread has never, in the history of sex, inspired a woman to say, "Take me on your futon."
14. Code words for ugly women. Actually, code words for anything.
15. A Nerf hoop in his living room. Keep the adolescent accoutrements where they belong: in the rec room or above the wastebasket in someone else's office.
16. A secret handshake.
17. Drinking glasses with logos. Especially those kitschy McDonald's Hamburglar ones.
18. A recent story with the phrase "So I said to the cop…"I do not agree with No. 14, mainly because code words make for fun, open conversations...
mens health dont know shit...
and what does having less than 20 dollars in your wallet have to do with being a man? sorry we cant all write for mens health haha
you know, reading this list over, i think the author is out of touch with what it's like to be a man in this day and age
After spending Friday evening quoting everything we could think of that was conversation-related, and having a blast doing it, I do not agree at all with #12. Sure, quoting can get old, but clever people do recognize clever quotes from other venues. (Plus, my sister said her stomach hurt she was laughing so hard.)
honestly, big lebowski and superbad are two of the most quotable movies ever!
yes! curling! lol
as for #14 i think descriptors such as "diluted talent pool" are actually quite witty and require some thought ;)
haha! Loved your last post Arthole. Whoever this author is obviously has a huge case of Pretentious Douchebagitis.
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