erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

21 May 2008

This man is older than your dad

And he's going to kick Soviet ass this weekend. Early reviews are positive so just as long as the movie is better than Temple of Doom* and Indy doesn't throw his back out punching Cate Blanchett in the face, I'll be a happy camper.

*I rate the original trilogy as Raiders of the Lost Ark > Last Crusade > Temple of Doom


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here's the new raking:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Last Crusade
Temple of Doom

You'll notice I didn't even include the new film, because it's effing terrible!!! I knew there was UFO stuff involved in this one, but even with that knowledge, Lucas still managed to ruin another childhood favorite of mine. He should not be allowed to be involved in movies ever again. (Unless it's just his company doing effects.)

9:23 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

Preliminary thoughts: the UFO bit was definitely out of place. The rest of the movie was pretty much a nostalgia trip; they took all the good bits from the earlier flicks and mashed them together. I was entertained and enjoyed the escapism, however. At least it's not as bad as the new star wars trilogy.

12:20 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

the only part I really cringed at was the Tarzan bit :(

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed - it was a good escape method, but Lucas can sure write some terrible dialogue. (I could tell when he thought he was being clever. Problem: he's not clever.) There are elements of Raiders that are still good in it. The monkey bit was pretty stupid. If he had done the "Tarzan yell," I may have walked out.
I was pretty iffy on the man-eating ants, too. Odd.

1:43 PM  

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