Another Decision 2008

Both are adept at sword fighting.
Pirates loot and plunder; Ninjas are silent assassins.
Pirates are known for yelling "Yarrrrr!"; Ninjas rarely talk, if at all.
Pirates are normally found at sea; Ninjas are nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
Pirates have been famously portrayed by Johnny Depp; Ninjas have been famously portrayed by Michael Dudikoff.
I can't say about ninjas vs. pirates, generically peaking, --but as to acting ability, Johnny Depp wins hands down.
However, if a real-life "bout" could be arranged between the two men, Dudikoff would win. After all, he was trained in the martial arts for his films, even if there was no acting coach in sight....
Seriously? Ninjas, hands down. Pirates are loud, dumb and clumsy. (Read: drunk.) Ninjas will sneak up on you silently and poison you and your entire family (pets included) before you even feel their breath on the back of your neck. Way tough.
Dude I'm all about the ninjas. However, i thought this was an interesting read:
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