erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

25 March 2008

I like white things

I can't seem to get enough of the Stuff White People Like blog lately. I don't think it's racist, I just think its full of interesting generalizations that happen to be true. And that makes it funny.

Hell, I remember back in the day when Tony threatened to move to Canada while watching hockey on CBC.

Anyway, I find my tastes skew white based on all the stuff white people like:
4. Assists
10. Wes Anderson Movies
29. 80s night
36. Breakfast places
38. Arrested Development
40. Apple Products
41. Indie Music
42. Sushi
57. Juno
58. Japan
63. Expensive sandwiches
68. Michel Gondry
81. Graduate school
83. Bad memories of high school
84. T-shirts
89. St. Patrick's Day
96. New Balance Shoes

Honorable Mentions
1. Coffee
11. Asian girls
19. Traveling
23. Microbreweries
35. The Daily Show/Colbert Report
69. Mos Def
80. The idea of soccer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there some kind of statute that would allow me to sue you for the unauthorized use of my image in this posting?! The sad news is my man-boobs are quite small in that picture in relation to their present day girth!

PS - I hate you

3:38 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

1. actually, that pic is from my camera so i own that image.

2. no one can tell that's you since you're face isn't visible so way to out yourself.

3. you're still alive!

6:54 PM  
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8:18 AM  

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