erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

26 January 2007

The Worst Band Names of '06

The guy who taught my magazine writing class despised lists and the magazines that used them because putting stuff like "10 best excuses to take ritalin," "20 Sexy Moles" or "Top 50 ways to insult the in-laws" as a lead cover story was lazy and lacking in creativity.

That just happens to be what I am as I present (you guessed it!) another list for my second consecutive post: The Worst Band Names of '06 brought to you by the The Onion's A.V. Club.

Most of these are truly awful, but some them should've made their way onto the Best Band Names list instead as they're actually kind of creative, unlike me. That means you Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, National Ass Groovin' Association and Here Comes Old Vodka Tits.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha the best part about it is the 3rd worse is my friend Jasons band is in it "Rigor Phallus" haha. And my additions ""Fagot Grandfather" "The Wayne Arnolds" "Frankenstiener" "Midnight Cock Garage" "Dick down at the
California Clipper"


6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I go to your blog looking for a new post but I get MENTALLY SCARRED EVERY DAY YOU DON'T CHANGE THE CURRENT ONE.

9:02 PM  

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