erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

13 January 2007

Conan sells me on the iPhone

As cool as the new iPhone is with its fancy touch-screen, 2 megapixel cam, 4GB or 8 GB of storage, Bluetooth 2.0 with EDR and A2DP, WiFi that automatically engages when in range, and quad-band GSM radio with EDGE and a bunch of other functions I don't understand, the $499-$599 price was such a huge turnoff.

Had I known it had these other features, I would've given Apple my money by now***. Mace? Sonogram? Grenade? Sold!!!!!

***Joke's on Apple; I have no money! :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm, video removed. i guess only nbc can put their videos on youtube:

However, I'm disappointed. I'd have preferred if the widescreen iPod and ultra portable Mac were separate products. i don't want an 8 gig Nano with a two year contract :(

12:02 PM  

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