erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

29 December 2006

Father knows best...

So I was at Chicago O'Hare Airport waiting to board my flight to Hong Kong when I overheard a nice man take his 8-10 year old son to the learning tree. Our flight stopped in Hong Kong before continuing on to its ultimate destination, Singapore. This was indicated by an electric sign above the gate that flashed Hong Kong for a couple seconds and then Singapore. While in line, I heard this:

Son: Daddy, we're in the wrong line. This plane is going to Singapore, not Hong Kong.
Dad: No it's not. It's going to Hong Kong.
Son: (points to the sign, which reads Singapore) Look! It says Singapore.
Dad: (sign has now changed to Hong Kong) You ding dong! Look, it's going to Hong Kong.
Son: Oh...
Dad: Don't you know? The plane is going to the same place. It's like if some Japanese kook came to America and wanted to go to Chicago, but was confused because the sign said Illinois. Chicago is in Illinois. It's the same thing, Singapore is in Hong Kong!
Son: Oh...
Dad: You ding dong!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh if only they were able to fly to the wrong country and get stuck there. Dad's wisdom certainly earned them the trip.

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ding dong?! haha did they sound like they were from The South? j/k looks like someone needed a primer on Oriental countries...

9:20 AM  

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