erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

09 January 2007

Wii 3, Me 0

Nintendo's ability to create massive demand and their inability to supply that demand ruined my Christmas. I had hoped to get a Wii, but my hopes were dashed when I found out my options to get one consisted of: waking up at 3 a.m. and sitting in front of a Target or a Best Buy until it opened or paying twice or three times as much as the retail price on eBay. No thanks.

But I can at least pretend I sort of have one, thanks to the internet. The Wii comes with a nifty little approach to user profiles where you create little caricatures of yourself called a Mii, which can be used in certain games. It certainly beats entering your name, likes, dislikes etc.

Some obsessive, er, avid Nintendo fan was clever enough to replicate the Mii Creator and post it on the internet. While making a Mii of myself is entertaining, the fun lies in making Miis of other people, like Jesus...


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