erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

19 November 2006

Bond has Balls of Steel

Just saw Casino Royale and my assessment that James Bond has balls again is spot on, more than I could have ever imagined.

That's current Bond girl Eva Green, a definite improvement over Denise Richards' turn as nuclear physicist Christmas Jones and whatever Halle Berry played. I'm not going to say anything further because I know you're distracted.

I am too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet. bond has returned as the mac daddy with a pair so big he walks bow-legged.

so... is it the second coming of Connery?

11:44 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

I think your enjoyment of Casino Royale will depend on what you liked about James Bond movies.

If you were all about the special effects, the cars, the girls and the gadgets you'll probably be disappointed that those aren't prominently featured here (unless you count Sony's gratuitous product placements).

Personally, my favorite Bond films are the ones with Connery, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, For Your Eyes Only and Goldeneye. They relied less on the aforementioned things and more on stories of espionage, intrigue and drama (action is a given). That's why I think they've all aged well. Thankfully, that's the direction the producers went with Casino Royale and what I like the most about it.

Of course, the action's no slouch either. It can get outrageous at times but it's intense and well done. The best part is how raw and brutal and bloody the fights get. A nice change.

Daniel Craig is no Sean Connery, but I'll put him a close second. There were glimpses of his toughness in Munich but he's a badass here. You look at Roger Moore or Pierce Brosnan and they are hardly intimidating. I have a hard time believing they could take down legions of goons and mercenaries. I don't get that feeling with Craig; the way he's built and the way he carries himself show he's not one you'd want to piss off. He plays the part well, and his balls made a believer out of me.

I can't wait to see this again.

4:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...and his balls made a believer out of me."
literally! hahah ;)

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll confess I'm a gadget fan. It was one of the many mainstays of the franchise that gave Bond the edge over the goons that loved to hate him.

But yes, it's about espionage, the mystery, and the men behind the murders. But having millions to spend on lasers has always been a nice touch, you know: to keep Bond "sharp."

See you next month - Al

10:40 PM  

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