erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

18 November 2006


I love It's my little happy place of cheap thrills. Granted, a lot of these random, looping gifs are in-jokes for internet geeks. Thankfully, growing up in the 80s means I'm likely to get a good percentage of them. And if not, I just laugh at the pure randomness of everything.

The other day I thought of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and the infamous rebel yell of one Capt. James T. Kirk. So I wondered, "What are the chances it would be posted on" Lo and behold I search "Khan" and get 641 results.

Here is the original scene in all its glory. Some other ones I find quite amusing are "Khan finds Waldo" and "Metal Gear Wrath of Khan." Unfortunately, the latter will go over your head unless you played Metal Gear Solid. But I've gotta say it's a sterling example of William Shatner's abnormal diction. "Do you????" I'm a geek.


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