erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

11 August 2008

The Best Version of the Star-Spangled Banner Ever

One of the things I enjoy about watching international sporting events is the playing of the national anthems. A simple song can evoke so many emotions. It may drive people into a frenzy, as it often does for Canadians when Canadian mounties sing the glorious ending to "Oh Canada" before Stanley Cup Playoff games. More often than not, anthems are played at the conclusion of events when awards are given out and even the grittiest athletes well up with pride for their country.

The Star-Spangled Banner is pretty hit or miss. It starts out insufferably slow and builds up with a bang if done right. I've heard many renditions, from generic horns to mangled attempts by pop stars. Leave it to Marvin Gaye of all people to try something different, and ultimately something good. And leave it to Nike's advertising department to make a masterpiece out of it (scroll to the bottom of the link).


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