erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

06 March 2008

He must have bills to pay

What's Don Cheadle doing in a movie with Ben Stiller?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert Downey Jr. A shadow of his former self.
Speaking of which, if you haven't ever seen "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" you are missing out.

11:28 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

I was wondering how long before/if someone would catch it. But the resemblance is there. Or maybe it's me. I'm interested to see his Tony Stark.

I will have to check Kiss Kiss Bang Bang out sometime then. I thought the preview was good, i just never got around to watching it.

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whomever just wrote that is my fucking hero. Tom Sellick is a perfect Tony Stark. RDJ is just too.....goofy. Not a playboy at all.

10:38 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

Hell tom sellick's moustache would make a better iron mana than RDJ

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wondered the same about Martin Lawrence. His show went off the air and we didn't see him until Bad Boyz II. Then another couple years go by and he has pulled an Eddie Murphy. doing kid's comedies... sort of. It's almost as if he's shows up from time to time when the gravy train is empty.

11:12 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

because Martin's got bills to pay

4:03 AM  

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