erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

17 February 2008

Decision 2008

So who would win in a fight, a taco or a grilled cheese sandwich? To help in your decision-making, I thought I'd include some salient points for each.

In making a case for the taco:
Incredibly versatile, unlike the grilled cheese. Variety is the spice of life. Hard or soft shell? Beef, steak, chicken or fish? And then topped with veggies, cheese and sauce. It's a complete meal in your hand, what's not to like?

In making a case for the grilled cheese sandwich:
melted gooey cheese scrunched between golden, crispy, buttery slices of bread. It's leagues better than its bastard cousin, grilled cheese and ham (or turkey) and is easier and faster to make than the taco. Oh yeah, without the grilled cheese, Kraft American Singles wouldn't have a purpose in life.

Yes, I got this from Hot Rod.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

grilled cheese, of course! the taco's gonna lose all his filling in the fight.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but taco's have more depth

12:57 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

I love me some tacos but I'm gonna have to side with grilled cheese, mostly because of its convenience

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loaded with fat or loaded with near-useless vegetables? (you don't believe lettuce has any vitamins, do you?)

4:33 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

hmm good point. Lettuce is pretty much empty calories; water with texture.

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

without the lettuce, what do you think pushes the taco out of your body.

Lets get our facts straight. taco, a quick snack that is actually authentic to its culture, unlike a burrito or nachos. usually a corn tortilla, filled with a meat, cheese, and cilantro. tomatoes and lettuce were introduced to entice americans, because americans put the lettuce and tomatoes on their burgers.

Grilled cheese....a phony a fake, weak and obtruse. NOT GRILLED first of all. classic grilled cheese is filled with american cheese! i love american cheese, but as the main star of the show, fuck that, think about this....that cheese is made out of vegetable oil. now how in the fuck do you think they got vegtable oil to be solid at room temp? is your vegetable oil solid at room temp? i dont fucking think so.

take away the cheese and its just bread and butter.

now take away the cheese in a taco, its meat and bread, a step up from butter and bread for sure.

take away the meat in a taco...quesadilla bitches

take away the tacos filling and he'll just keep coming back in different forms.

dont fuck with the taco

12:48 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

that's it, i'm on the taco train...

8:20 AM  

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