erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

08 November 2006

Wii 2, Me 0

I won't deny there were perks to being a journalist. Courtside seats at basketball games. Nice, warm cushy press box seating and sideline access at football games. Free meals of varying quality, ranging from barbecued slurry on a bun to bountiful buffets of beef, bratwurst and tater tots. A bunch of free t-shirts I'd never wear, ever. Random trinkets like magnets, mugs, mouse pads, all free.

The most random thing I ever got was a folder that held the press packet for "There's Something About Mary." It was covered in tan and taupe fabric so that it would resemble Ben Stiller's pants from the movie, complete with zipper fly (flesh and balls not included, thankfully).

My favorite perk, though, was having the privilege of watching a movie or listening to a new CD long before the general public did. Well, this applies to games too. I just found out that the UK branch of Nintendo is letting the British gaming press try the new Wii out in style by granting them access to the Wii House.

Given that my anticipation has reached the boiling point, I really envy that they're playing it now, in style and comfort no less. I do not, however, envy all the writing they will have to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

relax bro, less than 2 weeks to go ....


10:40 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

Two weeks for you. I've got to wait until I go home...

4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that place looks like our old apartment doesnt it?

1:06 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

wow, it does! Just put a doorway next to the fireplace and more windows and it's the old place...

2:21 AM  

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