erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

09 November 2006

Flash! Aahhh!!

Of all the bad 80s movies that have aged to the point of hilariously awesome, Flash Gordon is definitely one of my top five selections.

There probably wasn't a better action/sci-fi/comedy in that decade or ever.

To put it briefly, Flash Gordon, quarterback of the New York Jets jumps in a rocket with a mad professor and a pretty girl and flies to some random galaxy, befriends an army of hawkmen and saves the universe from Max von Sydow, err Ming the Merciless. All set to a rockin' soundtrack by Queen.

The awesomeness of this movie is almost as inexplicable as the fact that the DVD is incredibly rare and incredibly expensive. And just in case the movie experience is overwhelming to the point of brain dysfunction, you'll always know which dude is Flash Gordon. Just look for the shirt with FLASH on it.

Take a taste...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

campy, creative, exciting, and it just plain rocked. I've also discovered the DVD had limited press and is out of print. Here's hoping there's room for license on HD-DVD or Blu-ray... whichever one manages to not be the next betamax or minidisc...

1:17 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

Betamax by Sony. Minidisc by Sony. Blu-ray by...Sony. Hmmmm...

4:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the difference is Beta and MiniDisc had no legs to stand on once they failed in the consumer market. If Blu-ray fails as a consumer media they'll have the PS3 we see how well that strategy worked for the PSP and UMD ;)

movies? crap. no games? you bet. looks like Sony's going 0 for 2 on proprietary formats.

Also: Flashcat for the win. He has saved the world.

11:09 PM  

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