erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

28 August 2006

See you in another life, brother

Coming soon. I'm debating on waiting until the end of the season and then taking it all in at once, like I did for seasons one and two, or catching it on a weekly basis like a normal person. With the way time is just flying by these days, the weekly wait may seem tolerable enough.

And I see Michael's punkass is absent from the poster so maybe he's not coming back. Good. He brought nothing to season two besides his incessant "Waaalllllltt!!!" wailing. "Waaalllllltt!!!" "Gimme back my boy!" "Waaalllllltt!!!" "Waaalllllltt!!!" "Waaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllltt!!!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me, or does it seem like they're making stuff up as they go along, just to f*ck with us?

12:46 AM  

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