erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

08 August 2006

I was looking for mayonnaise and I found the Silent Library guys

I had no problem with mayonnaise. I used to like it. That is, until I came to the PI where it seems to be the meat/fish/veggie condiment of choice. More than ketchup. More than cheese. More than air. Now I find mayonnaise pretty gross. And by gross, i mean Steven Seagal-attempting-coitus-gross. But that's besides the point.

It seems those Silent Library guys have made their way from la biblioteca and into the tv studio, subjecting themselves to more wholesome, network-friendly tortures. For me, mayonnaise has a fine balance between just enough and vomit-inducing so I'm impressed that these guys stomached so much mayo. Kampai!

Note that there's three parts but i've only linked to part two since that seemed to be the only one worthwhile. Part one features the poor sap who drew bad stink air, slapping machine and wasabi roll so that's how i know it's the same dudes. I'll remember that face anywhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strangely enough, the library clip brings back fond memories of Study Hall baseball with the "Chodyville Slugger!!"

Ahh, good times... good times.

12:59 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

what's up dude, how ya been? and please, post something on your blog. this isn't myspace!

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not much happening here. I forgot about that blog! Maybe I'll start posting stuff to it soon. I'm kind of lazy...

2:32 PM  

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