erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

07 September 2008

Stereotyping music lovers

Indie: Devotees have low self-esteem and are not very hard-working, kind or generous. However, they are creative.

Rock 'n' Roll: Fans have high self-esteem and are very creative, hard-working and at ease with themselves, but not very kind or generous.

Blues: High self-esteem, creative, outgoing and at ease with themselves.

Classical: Classical music lovers have high self-esteem, are creative and at ease with themselves, but not outgoing.

Heavy metal: Very creative and at ease with themselves, but not very outgoing or hard-working.

Reggae: High self-esteem, creative, outgoing, kind, generous and at ease with themselves, but not very hard-working.

Country & Western: Very hard-working and outgoing.

Dance: Creative and outgoing but not kind or generous.

Rap: High self-esteem, outgoing.

It's all explained by science.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you just blinded me with science!!

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

weird-- i read this article, too. they drew conclusions on people who identify with one type of music, but what do they have to say about those who appreciate a range of music?!


7:05 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

i don't know, merge the characteristics?

9:24 PM  

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