erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

26 May 2008

Nice saves

Another NCAA Lacrosse championship weekend, another missed final thanks to being out of the country. It was a wild weekend with some good games. At least, I can take solace that this should be the last year I'll be in this situation.

After following the action online, two thoughts:
1. I really miss throwing around, be it against a wall by myself or with my brothers and friends. It's fun, it's relaxing and every spring, it's automatic. Except this year.
2. I will go back to championship weekend. A pilgrimage/drunken time for players and fans, this is one event that translates into a good live experience.

23 May 2008

Vocab builder

Clean getaway - When you take a shit, wipe your ass and the t.p. is clean as a whistle.

I was so happy my dump was a clean getaway, as I was on a date.

Two more variations of the definition are here.

21 May 2008

This man is older than your dad

And he's going to kick Soviet ass this weekend. Early reviews are positive so just as long as the movie is better than Temple of Doom* and Indy doesn't throw his back out punching Cate Blanchett in the face, I'll be a happy camper.

*I rate the original trilogy as Raiders of the Lost Ark > Last Crusade > Temple of Doom

19 May 2008

Grown men...?

Here's 18 Things A Grown Man Should Never Have, according to Men's Health magazine.

1. A black eye. Unless the rim hits your face mid-dunk, your peepers should remain unblemished. You're smart enough to talk your way out of any fight you're going to lose.

2. A witty e-mail signature. Quotes and song lyrics should be heard during toasts and karaoke performances, respectively. Don't let your electronic correspondence become the digital version of a motivational poster.

3. An empty refrigerator. Your larder should be amply stocked, your pantry provisioned. Always aim to be ready to create an on-the-fly, three-course dinner for her...along with breakfast in bed.

4. PlayStation thumb. When they're relaxing, grown men can behave like children. But if you devolve long enough to cause calluses or button-shaped bruises, you're assuredly missing out on life.

5. A key chain with a bottle opener. This bauble is both a gauche reminder of your college days and proof that you don't know how to apply leverage using available, impromptu bottle openers: a lighter, the back end of a fork.

6. A lucky shirt. Every shirt is lucky when worn by a man who knows that the harder he works the luckier he'll be.

7. An unstamped passport.

8. Olympic dreams. Exceptions: curling and archery.

9. Less than $20 in his wallet. Fiduciary nudity is negligence. A real man should always carry a business card and enough dough to pick up coffee, bagels, and the Sunday paper without whipping out the plastic.

10. A name for his penis. Even if it's a really clever name.

11. Any beer that costs less than $20 a case. And no exception for the grand-slam 30-pack that crosses that price threshold.

12. The need to quote The Big Lebowski/ Caddyshack/Superbad. Reciting someone else's lines reminds people that you haven't the wit to write your own.

13. A futon. Sure, beds are for sleeping. But such a meager, slouchy spread has never, in the history of sex, inspired a woman to say, "Take me on your futon."

14. Code words for ugly women. Actually, code words for anything.

15. A Nerf hoop in his living room. Keep the adolescent accoutrements where they belong: in the rec room or above the wastebasket in someone else's office.

16. A secret handshake.

17. Drinking glasses with logos. Especially those kitschy McDonald's Hamburglar ones.

18. A recent story with the phrase "So I said to the cop…"

I do not agree with No. 14, mainly because code words make for fun, open conversations...

14 May 2008

Choose my shirt

I've stumbled upon three kinds of awesome, but I can only have one. Which should I buy?

08 May 2008

Adventure might be just ahead

My random thought review of Speed Racer:
  1. Great visuals - the hypertechnicolor pallette keeps the film faithful to the subject matter, making it a live-action cartoon. While the characters and their habitats may look like they're stuck in the '60s, the cars and the racetracks look like they're from the future. It's a lot to take in, thought not nauseating like Cloverfield.
  2. Too much time wasted on the (weak) story - yes, corporations are evil and they control the racing world. I get it. Can we get back to the action and racing now?
  3. Great racing - took the fun parts of the crude racing scenes characterisitic of the original (i.e. jumping, crashing and burning) and modernized it with some drifting. I just wish the theater's audio was louder so I could feel the engine notes.
  4. Limited crossover appeal - I don't think it will do as well as Iron Man at the box office. For fans and kids only.
  5. MILF alert - thankfully I wasn't the only one who thought this.

06 May 2008

Arbitrary Drinking Holidays

This was brought up last night as we were throwing down some Coronas in honor of Cinco de Mayo, but why do Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo? I honestly don't know the meaning of the holiday (until I google it) and what it has to do with drinking. All I know is that it's an excuse to drink alcohol, especially Mexican alcohol, for upstanding non-alcoholic citizens of America.

Then it got me thinking of other such arbitrary drinking holidays and all I could think up was St. Patrick's Day and the Day Before (American) Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure everyone gets royally snookered on St. Patty's Day because of drunken Irish stereotypes and not the saint's good deeds. And then there's the good ol' Day Before (American) Thanksgiving, when everyone makes a pilgrimage to their hometowns for turkey, football and good times* with old friends and certain classmates you'd rather not see again, ever.

So, anyone got an idea what may be some other Arbitrary Drinking Holidays?

*This being getting belligerent on $2 Jager Bombs, passing out in ATM kiosks and hoping to God you find a way home for dinner and not get thrown in jail.

01 May 2008

The 25 Best Hair Metal Bands

In the spirit of bringing you today's light reading, I think this would be a pretty accurate representation of what my mullet would've looked like had I grown one in the 80s.

My science project

If there's one thing that I was looking for in casting Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, it would be be the mustache. Yeah Tony Stark is a smart, smooth playboy, but he wouldn't be the man he is without the mustache. In fact, I determined how good an issue of Iron Man was when I was growing up solely on how many times the mustache appeared and how good it looked on Tony Stark and without him.

So when I got word that Robert Downey Jr. got cast as Tony Stark some months ago, I was mortified. There was really only one option in terms of mustaches, Tom Selleck. Plus he was a big physical guy that could be a believable superhero, unlike Robert Downey Jr.

After seeing the finished product, I stand corrected. Robert Downey Jr. fit the role perfect once I stopped paying attention to the mustache. Smart. Smooth. Playboy. And he looks more youthful than Selleck who I just realized is 63 years old (his mustache makes him look half that). Oh yeah, the movie's good too. Good popcorn fare with a logical story that doesn't get too hokey, unlike other Marvel comic adaptations. Action and effects were solid, but I actually enjoyed Stark's process of producing the final Iron Man suit the best. It's no X-Men or Spider-Man 1, but it's better than the Hulk, Ghost Rider and Fantastic Four.