erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

16 January 2008

Going back to the island

After last season's cliffhanger, the Jan. 31 premiere of Lost season 4 is eagerly awaited by many. In anticipation of Lost's return, I'd like to highlight the top 5 reasons to go back.

Reason No. 5: Jack
I think Seth Rogen put it best in Knocked Up:

"Matthew Fox from Lost? You know what's interesting about him? Nothing!"

He may be good for nothing except yelling, crying and getting dumped by previously paralyzed women, but I'll be damned if he doesn't look fine sprawled out on that motorcycle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now, pinch hitting for the pink team.... CESAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not that there's anything wrong with that.


12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously. I hope you (and everybody else) don't actually watch that crap. I need no other case-in-point than the "giant-talking-Godlike-sun-in-the-sky" thing that turned up a season or so ago. (And, no, I didn't see it. I heard about it.)

2:54 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

First reply was expected. Only fitting it's the first reply too haha.

But I don't know what the hell this giant talking sun is you speak of, but there is a Korean woman on the show named Sun and she talks. Does that count? :p

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Predictable eh???!!! I do suppose I will have to evolve my tactics a bit. It's hard to think of clever things to say when all you hear is the passionate yelling of


Perhaps that was predictable as well, but I don't really care, because it always makes me laugh.

11:17 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

Why can't your mom have some silly ethnic stereotype that I could make fun of her (and you) with!!!

11:24 AM  

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