erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

03 January 2008

It came from the past

Astute readers may have noticed the Deuce recommend that I watch Yacht Rock. I have seen seen Yacht Rock, and no, he didn't drop a proverbial deuce on my face with it.

Yacht Rock refers to the genre of smooth rock that dominated the airwaves between 1976-1984. Yacht Rock gives a look at how the hits of that era came to be. Yacht Rock validates a strange dream I had that Hall and Oates were dicks.

Side note: One of the people working on Yacht Rock goes by the name of Hunter Stair. He went to my high school. I never personally met him or even know what he looks like, but I will never forget that name. It's catchy yet makes no sense at the same time.

Side note 2: Yacht Rock is the second funniest thing I've watched on a screen involving someone from my high school, the other being an appearance of a girl from my class on Elimidate. She was the first one eliminated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"get your dick out of your heart!"

when i saw yacht rock it was totally right up your alley.

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why no name-dropping on your elimidate acquaintance?

2:38 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

I dreamt Hall and Oates were dicks, but I had forgotten their brand of soft rock. Now I know smooth...

No name-dropping on elimidate lady because it's irrelevant. Besides, would you want people to know you were Elimidate? Nobody won.

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, are we talking somebody from our HS class? If that's the case, I want to know who got herself ELIMIDATED!

10:22 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

Haha fine. In the spirit of dredging up what must now be repressed memories, ask _era _amo about her elimidate experience while in St. Louis for chiropractor school.

I thought you guys knew...

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weird. I just rounded out the classic rock section of iTunes with Doobie Brothers.

10:31 AM  

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