whatever. whenever.
Fast Food Mystery No. 771
Whenever I buy a regular McDonald's cheeseburger, there's hardly a trace of grease on the burger or the wrapper whatsoever. Everytime I buy a Double Cheeseburger, however, I find that it is so greasy the wrapper becomes the transparent window to weight-gain and the bun is covered in a film of grease. What gives Hamburglar?
And why is the McRib meat shaped like it has bones in it?
Um... why so many McDonald's posts? I knew you had a clown fetish, but this is ridiculous...
Because I eat there too much. In a typical week, I eat mcdonalds 3-4 times, pizza hut 2-3 times, taco bell once or twice and then random restaurants the rest of the time.
I don't know about you, but when I start eating the same things regularly, I start to notice things...
To cut the cost of the double cheeseburger they reduced their preparation efforts resulting in more fat. THUS PASSING THE SAVINGS ON TO YOU!!!! (Krusty would be so proud of Ronald)
p.s. try to lay off the junk no matter how much you like it or feel you have very little choice, look what happened to me...
ok, so its time i shared the secret of the mcrib.................notice how the mcrib never comes out bianualy? or semi-anualy sometimes mcrib fans will only have one oppurtunity, but no more than three in one year. Well its because the animal they kill for the meat is hard to find and pricey if not in season. Ronald knows this, but belive me its his number one priority...if he could he would have that bitch on the menu all year long. As for the fake bones...well its part of the animal, the animal is an early ancestor of the pig in which its bones were in fact muscles as well, these muscles tightned up to defend attacks, but being a great great ancestor of the pig, they developed bones, and the original species lurks in the underground railroad throught out the world waiting to stock up on food for harsh winters, only met by ronald and his air compressor gun. Poor fuckers...Great flavor. If we do not regulate the killing of these animals we might not get to enjoy mcribs with our children....chew on that.
oh and by the way, your eating habits are ridiculous.
wow...just, wow...
upon further review, my eating habits are ridiculous. i just gained two pounds reading my weekly eat itinerary. time for a change.
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