erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

27 July 2007

I am so smart! S-M-R-T, no wait....

U.S. reviews are starting to pop up for The Simpsons Movie and if the ones I've read are any indication, there's a good chance the majority of them are going to start with a reference to Comic Book Guy.

I'm not going to go down that road.

I got to see it Wednesday and having digested everything since, the movie feels like a longer episode of the TV show except with fancy animation. Now if it was like a longer late 90s episode of The Simpsons, then this would be heaven. Unfortunately, it plays out like the show of recent years. Actually, I wouldn't know what it's been like lately since I stopped tuning in on Sunday nights who knows how long ago but I imagine it is not quality.

Don't get me wrong, the movie delivers its share of gags and at times, they seem to come at you relentlessly. Unfortunately the plot gets in the way of sustaining the excitement. It isn't anything new or exciting. It's just Homer being stupid for the sake of being stupid and that got old a long time ago.


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