erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

25 May 2007

My finger is not on the pulse of the mainstream

I always felt like I didn't think like my fellow man, and now I've got proof. Reason the Wii is awesome # 772: The Everybody Votes Channel.

It's described as a channel that "lets you select a question from a list, where you can place your votes by selecting between one of the two responses. You then come back to see the results to see if your choice and predictions were the majority. There are National Polls and Worldwide Polls, where you can see whether people in your country think differently from the rest of the world." All you need to know is how to connect the Wii to the internet via wi-fi and you're good to go.

The questions are pretty random and a new one comes up every other day or so. Here's an example of some of the polls I've voted on (majority answers in bold):
  • Which came first? Chicken or Egg?
  • What ability would you most like to have? Telepathy or Invincibility?
  • Which would you rather ride for ten hours? Elephant or Camel?
  • Does everyone have an identical twin somewhere? Yes of No?
  • From whom would you prefer to receive advice? Oprah or Warren Buffett? (not answered yet)
Besides voting, you can predict which answer will garner the most responses. I have a spectacular record of 11-11 for a prediction accuracy of 50 percent. Obviously, my finger is not on the pulse of mainstream thought.

To further illustrate that, the program analyzes my answers according to five categories: thoughts, personality, experience, surroundings and experience, to show how "tuned-in" I am with the rest of the world. As you can see, my thoughts are very dissimilar compared to everyone else's.


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