erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

31 May 2007

'Til the night closes in!

Useless information strikes again!

Go find what the No. 1 song in the U.S. was on your birthday at the #1 Song on This Date in History site.

So the No. 1 song on my birthday in 1978 was "Kiss You All Over" by Exile. That's them over there, looking classy with their black outfits and facial hair. If it wasn't for Adam Sandler's comedic rendition of the song in Happy Gilmore, I would disown my birthyear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, its pretty unbelievable that song was once number one, and the number one song on your birth year haha.

Mine was "eye of the tiger" by survivor haha.


6:10 PM  

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