erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

20 April 2007

The Forgotten

Just watched The Departed again, and as awesome as Marky Mark was, I must say that Alec Baldwin delivered some classics as well.

They can be seen here.

Sadly, the "Three Best Lines from The Departed" only included two of my favorites. The third, I'll just transcribe here.

Alec Baldwin: How is your wedding coming along?
Matt Damon: Great, great; she's a doctor.
AB: That's outstanding.
MD: Yeah.
AB: Marriage is an important part of getting ahead: lets people know you're not a homo; married guy seems more stable; people see the ring, they think at least somebody can stand the son of a bitch; ladies see the ring, they know immediately you must have some cash or your cock must work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin delivers another his twelve year old daughters voicemail! look for it haha.

11:44 PM  

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