A song for every situation

Recent conversations have made me think, what would my own soundtrack consist of? If my life played out like a bad, cliched Hollywood movie, what songs would I have playing during the car chase or the training montage, etc.? I do not mean soundtrack for an autobiographical movie. If that were the case, then I'd have a bunch of 80s music for my childhood, grunge rock and metal for my teenage years and then a broad range of music for my life since then.
Here's what I could scrounge up from my library:
- "Junior Kickstart" - The Go! Team: For the chase scene. I wouldn't doubt it was written with this in mind.
- "This Heart's on Fire" - Wolf Parade: For the training montage. It just needs a faster tempo, like when they play live.
- "Africa" - Toto: For the group sing-along...you know it's going to happen.
- "Campaigner" - Neil Young: For that introspective, mopey, down-in-the-dumps scene.
- "Tonight" - TV on the Radio: I would just loop the first 20 seconds. It's perfect for when the shit hits the fan.
- "More than 3cm" - Yoko Kanno: For the laid-back, intimate scene.
- "Rebellion (Lies)" - Arcade Fire: For any sort of revelation or inspiration that may strike me.
- "Yakety Sax" a.k.a. the Benny Hill Theme Song - Boots Randolph: Why not? I'd make it work.
- "Postcards From Italy" - Beirut: For ambience.
- "Elephant Gun" - Beirut: For traveling or ambience.
- "Missed the Boat" - Modest Mouse: I'd just like to include them, but if I had to choose a certain scene, it sounds like it would work for opening credits.
- "Damn Girl" - Justin Timberlake: For when I attempt/fail to pick-up the girl at the bar.
- "All These Things That I've Done" - The Killers: End credits.
Damn Girl/Damn Girl/Damn Girl/Damn Girl/Damn Girl... DAAAAAYMN GIRL! lol
indeed :)
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