erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

13 April 2007

A song for every situation

I remember watching Robert Rodriguez's Desperado back in high school, particularly the scene in which Quentin Tarantino makes his entrance into Cheech's hole-in-the-wall bar. As he stepped through the door, an uptempo drumbeat started playing in the background. It wasn't very loud or intrusive, but it was catchy enough for me to notice that this was a guy to watch out for, and not because he was Quentin Tarantino. It was a memorable yet short-lived cameo, but I'll always remember the music.

Recent conversations have made me think, what would my own soundtrack consist of? If my life played out like a bad, cliched Hollywood movie, what songs would I have playing during the car chase or the training montage, etc.? I do not mean soundtrack for an autobiographical movie. If that were the case, then I'd have a bunch of 80s music for my childhood, grunge rock and metal for my teenage years and then a broad range of music for my life since then.

Here's what I could scrounge up from my library:
  1. "Junior Kickstart" - The Go! Team: For the chase scene. I wouldn't doubt it was written with this in mind.
  2. "This Heart's on Fire" - Wolf Parade: For the training montage. It just needs a faster tempo, like when they play live.
  3. "Africa" - Toto: For the group know it's going to happen.
  4. "Campaigner" - Neil Young: For that introspective, mopey, down-in-the-dumps scene.
  5. "Tonight" - TV on the Radio: I would just loop the first 20 seconds. It's perfect for when the shit hits the fan.
  6. "More than 3cm" - Yoko Kanno: For the laid-back, intimate scene.
  7. "Rebellion (Lies)" - Arcade Fire: For any sort of revelation or inspiration that may strike me.
  8. "Yakety Sax" a.k.a. the Benny Hill Theme Song - Boots Randolph: Why not? I'd make it work.
  9. "Postcards From Italy" - Beirut: For ambience.
  10. "Elephant Gun" - Beirut: For traveling or ambience.
  11. "Missed the Boat" - Modest Mouse: I'd just like to include them, but if I had to choose a certain scene, it sounds like it would work for opening credits.
  12. "Damn Girl" - Justin Timberlake: For when I attempt/fail to pick-up the girl at the bar.
  13. "All These Things That I've Done" - The Killers: End credits.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Girl/Damn Girl/Damn Girl/Damn Girl/Damn Girl... DAAAAAYMN GIRL! lol

6:00 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

indeed :)

8:34 AM  

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