erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

27 February 2007

Gotta share the love

I don't care if I've already mentioned this movie to some of you by now, I'm going to do it again because it came out on DVD today.

In a year in which a remake won the Academy Award for Best Picture*, it's nice to see a movie like Stranger than Fiction come along. After watching the film, I was surprised to see it wasn't based on a book, a foreign film, a historical figure or something along those lines. I thought film studios stopped greenlighting fun and fresh projects like this.

*That's not to say I don't approve of The Departed winning Best Picture. It's actually very deserving of the award.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spreading the love on this one like the elite beat agents huh? haha

Good movie, hate to admit it cause i have recently come to terms that Will Ferrel is a screaming hack, but this movie wins back a lil for me.


12:30 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

glad to see you liked it. i don't think you'll like will ferrell's upcoming movie about figure skating. that's more familiar territory for him.

8:28 PM  

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