erratic automatic
whatever. whenever.
Another Decision 2008
So who would win in a fight, a Pirate or a Ninja?Both are adept at sword fighting.Pirates loot and plunder; Ninjas are silent assassins.Pirates are known for yelling "Yarrrrr!"; Ninjas rarely talk, if at all.Pirates are normally found at sea; Ninjas are nowhere and everywhere at the same time.Pirates have been famously portrayed by Johnny Depp; Ninjas have been famously portrayed by Michael Dudikoff.
I like white things
I can't seem to get enough of the Stuff White People Like blog lately. I don't think it's racist, I just think its full of interesting generalizations that happen to be true. And that makes it funny.Hell, I remember back in the day when Tony threatened to move to Canada while watching hockey on CBC.Anyway, I find my tastes skew white based on all the stuff white people like:4. Assists10. Wes Anderson Movies29. 80s night36. Breakfast places38. Arrested Development40. Apple Products41. Indie Music42. Sushi57. Juno58. Japan63. Expensive sandwiches68. Michel Gondry81. Graduate school83. Bad memories of high school84. T-shirts89. St. Patrick's Day96. New Balance ShoesHonorable Mentions1. Coffee11. Asian girls19. Traveling23. Microbreweries35. The Daily Show/Colbert Report69. Mos Def80. The idea of soccer
It smells like God's va.....
Judd Apatow has a whole slew of movies produced/written by him coming out, so what will his next movie of awesome hilarity be? 1. Forgetting Sarah Marshall 2. Pineapple Express 3. Drillbit Taylor
4. You Don't Mess with the Zohan
Sense Memory
I never really cared much for James Franco as an actor or a person. But after watching Acting With James Franco Episode 1, I care.
Let's get this straight
So you have Clamato, which is pretty much tomato juice, clam broth, high fructose corn syrup and Red 40. Now you want to combine it with Budweiser, salt and lime.The question now: is it good?Survey says...
Better living through technology?
I saw this story and automatically thought about a world made out of Nerf.
He must have bills to pay
What's Don Cheadle doing in a movie with Ben Stiller?
Great episode this week. Definitely one of the best overall in the entire series. I've always enjoyed Desmond-centric episodes but this blew the rest out of the water.The show has been at a high level since the tail-end of the third season. Since announcing an end date for the series, I think the writers have been able to go through with their ideas instead of wasting time coming up with filler.I just worry that they've set the bar so high, they won't be able to tie everything up satisfactorily in the end.