erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

31 January 2008

Lost Tonight

9 p.m.

Reason No. 1: Locke


29 January 2008

Creative procrastination

I must say, naming a band is a very difficult thing to do. It's gotta be cool and catchy yet not sound stupid at the same time. Ultimately, the process turns out to be one big headache.

Not anymore! Enter the random band, album and cover generator, all in one! Just add some crude photoshop skills and you could have one of your own.

Here's how it works:
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

I ended up with Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, "Time to ask questions?" and an out-of-focus pic of some girl stripping. Not bad.

More here.

26 January 2008


Just watched this last night and it is super bad-ass. Sylvester Stallone knows what his audience likes and he delivers. Need proof? Check the numbers.

The only thing I didn't like about it: not enough Rambo yelling.

23 January 2008

Toilet Reading

If you like to read about rock bands, actors, athletes and American pop culture in general, and you enjoy defecating, I recommend picking up Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Cuirous People and Dangerous Ideas.

It's an easy read and most of the book is broken up into 10-plus page chapters so you can read it in (and during) short bursts. Funny enough, the first place I encountered a Klosterman book was, you guessed it, a toilet at a friend's house.

21 January 2008

Stuck on a desert island with 5 men, part 2

Another week, another reason to get Lost.

Reason No. 4: Sayid

Everyone's friendly neighborhood Iraqi trained in the art of torture has been haunting my dreams since I saw him run around "Planet Terror" uttering something about giving him my balls.

Besides if you look hard enough, he kind of has this Milli Vanilli vibe going on...

19 January 2008

Where's the beef?

Oh, the bacon is the burger, once it's been ground and deep fried (!) into a patty. I never thought there was such a thing as too much bacon...until now.

16 January 2008

Going back to the island

After last season's cliffhanger, the Jan. 31 premiere of Lost season 4 is eagerly awaited by many. In anticipation of Lost's return, I'd like to highlight the top 5 reasons to go back.

Reason No. 5: Jack
I think Seth Rogen put it best in Knocked Up:

"Matthew Fox from Lost? You know what's interesting about him? Nothing!"

He may be good for nothing except yelling, crying and getting dumped by previously paralyzed women, but I'll be damned if he doesn't look fine sprawled out on that motorcycle.

05 January 2008

Fast Food Mystery No. 771

Whenever I buy a regular McDonald's cheeseburger, there's hardly a trace of grease on the burger or the wrapper whatsoever. Everytime I buy a Double Cheeseburger, however, I find that it is so greasy the wrapper becomes the transparent window to weight-gain and the bun is covered in a film of grease. What gives Hamburglar?

And why is the McRib meat shaped like it has bones in it?

03 January 2008

It came from the past

Astute readers may have noticed the Deuce recommend that I watch Yacht Rock. I have seen seen Yacht Rock, and no, he didn't drop a proverbial deuce on my face with it.

Yacht Rock refers to the genre of smooth rock that dominated the airwaves between 1976-1984. Yacht Rock gives a look at how the hits of that era came to be. Yacht Rock validates a strange dream I had that Hall and Oates were dicks.

Side note: One of the people working on Yacht Rock goes by the name of Hunter Stair. He went to my high school. I never personally met him or even know what he looks like, but I will never forget that name. It's catchy yet makes no sense at the same time.

Side note 2: Yacht Rock is the second funniest thing I've watched on a screen involving someone from my high school, the other being an appearance of a girl from my class on Elimidate. She was the first one eliminated.

Sharing is easy

After giving us the thumbs down, Radiohead did another webcast for new year's. They were also nice enough to post their songs individually, for those of us who don't have 52 minutes to spare.