whatever. whenever.
More 'pods from Jobs
For the third year in a row, Steve Jobs has unveiled some new, fancy-pants iPods and for the third year in a row, I've got iPod envy.What I'm learning from all these annual iPod events is: - Apple keeps finding ways to top themselves
- iPods go obsolete after a year (depending on your point of view)
My 2nd-generation nano was awesome when I first got it. Then the awesome went to 11 when I jumped on the Nike+ train. But after seeing this new nano chubby, with it's video capability, bigger screen and extra capacity for $149, my nano is pretty limp. Basically, it's nothing more than a shuffle with a screen minus the clip. It still beats my two-year old click-wheel iPod with the monochrome screen though.
On the bright side, the iPhone's price drop means it should be relatively cheap and affordable by the time I actually make money. Too bad for all the early adopters though, that's $200 that could've been better spent.
the 'Touch is nice and all, but when you're cycling, driving or even running, it's imperative that you're able to control the device through tactile response so you can focus on other things like not crashing into the other douchebag who's also not paying attention. Having an iPhone, the one thing I learned is that it's near impossible to navigate the touch screen without focusing your attention on it. While it salivates every irritating fanboy who believes that iPods and Macbooks are made of dreams and starlight, I feel it's a rushed product to satisfy just those people.
Oh well, he's probably launched it knowing full well it's a gateway product, just like the 'Shuffle and the Mac mini: Functionally branded enough to be uniquely Mac, but incomplete enough to make the frugal feel inferior to the big spenders. Kudos to your millions, Steve.
I always thought you were a satisfied apple customer...
After owning a 'nano, a 'shuffle and previously the humble iBook, I know what it's like to be the inferior frugal customer. Now that I'm a big spender, I *am* a satisfied Apple customer :)
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