erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

05 October 2006

This mall's got everything...

...that no one in America wears anymore.

Every now and then I head to Gateway Mall to watch movies in La-Z-Boy recliners and get my Taco Bell fix. The mall looks nice and tries to be upscale but fails miserably due to the presence of Marithe Francois Girbaud and L.A. Gear stores. Yeah you read that right. Girbaud jeans and L.A. Gear are alive and well in the PI. Even better, the local equivalent of Macy's/Nordstrom's was selling Z. Cavariccis. Sooner or later I'm going to stumble upon some Zubaz pants and Hypercolor shirts...

The Philippines - where failed brands get a second chance!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHERE FAILED BRANDS GET A SECOND CHANCE! gimeme gimme gimme. You best be bringing me a pair of L.A. Gears home for chritmas or some other failed brands haha, seriously.

3:37 PM  
Blogger arthur said...

L.A. Gear only sells women's stuff. How about some Pony's hahhahah?

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did you even know L.A. Gear sells only women's stuff?? what were you doing in there?


1:07 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

I didn't go in there. I was checking the directory of stores on Gateway's website and L.A. Gear only shows up under women's apparel :P

5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would these be the same pleated, tapered, acid-washed Cavaricci's proudly sported by Albert Clifford "A.C." Slater in the halls of Bayside High? cuz damn, i thought Rustan's was more fashion forward than that...

9:40 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

one and the same. and i'm still befuddled that rustan's would carry it. makes them look cheap!

12:24 AM  

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