erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

20 February 2009

Concise and elegantly stated

Back in the day when I rocked the husky pants, I would've seriously considered eating some of this stuff.

But now I can only cringe and fear for my arteries.
Also, is it me or does it seem that 60 percent of the time, bacon's involved every time??


Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:57 AM  
Blogger arthur said...

you know, with the combo of meat on meat (in this case ham on hamburger) with all the other stuff, it kinda reminds me of the Holy Harrison of the Harrison Roadhouse. Mmmm

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Holy Harrison is one of the greatest things I have ever put in my mouth. (Take that however you want.)

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His first name was "Holy?" Or is that the name you eventually gave him?

4:31 PM  

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