erratic automatic
whatever. whenever.
Gotta share the love
I don't care if I've already mentioned this movie to some of you by now, I'm going to do it again because it came out on DVD today.
In a year in which a remake won the Academy Award for Best Picture*, it's nice to see a movie like Stranger than Fiction come along. After watching the film, I was surprised to see it wasn't based on a book, a foreign film, a historical figure or something along those lines. I thought film studios stopped greenlighting fun and fresh projects like this.
*That's not to say I don't approve of The Departed winning Best Picture. It's actually very deserving of the award.
You can be my wingman anyday...
And by wingman I mean Iceman. Not Kelly McGillis.
What the hell am I talking about? More like what is Quentin Tarantino talking about in this little diatribe about Top Gun?
Thanks Aila for the link :)!!
March 7 (March 9 in the USA) will be another Frank Miller Festival of Awesome when 300 hits theaters.
Any concerns that this may suck went out the window when I read impressions like this:
"I can’t spoil the plot because THANK GOD THERE ISN’T ONE. Just ass kicking that kicks ass that, while said ass is getting kicked, is kicking yet more ass that’s hitting someone’s balls with a hammer made of ice but the ice is frozen whiskey."
Overexuberant fanboy notwithstanding, I think that accurately sums up my expectations of the movie after watching the trailers.
The Mind Behind The Muscle
Watch (but mostly listen to) Arnold Schwarzenegger discuss the highs of bodybuilding. Very poignant. Very insightful. All caught on video...for eternity.
Not Hoff Enough
...a.k.a. Not Erratic Enough Part 3.I posted a story about David Hasselhoff being a drunken buffoon back in November and felt a picture of him looking shocked out of his lederhosen would better suit the post than a picture of him giving the thumbs-up with random island folk.
I think I made the wrong decision...
Not Erratic Enough...Part 2
I think I wanted to use this picture for that post about how everything from the 80s is being remade by that Transformers movie from Michael Bay.Since it is a Michael Bay movie, I'm expecting over-the-top violence, lots of explosions, a minimum of three chase scenes, a soundtrack featuring generic cock rock with soaring guitar solos and a token black guy saying something hip/funny for comic relief (oh look, it's got both Anthony Anderson and Bernie Mac).I just hope it doesn't ruin my childhood memories of the Transformers like this picture did.
Mile-High Century Club Super Happy Limited Edition Series
Erratic Automatic has broken the 100-post mark and I'd like to commemorate it with the "Not Erratic Enough for Erratic Automatic" series.Basically it's a bunch of pictures I've stockpiled while rummaging through the Internet's innards and never got around to posting for various reasons...until now.I can only hope they're amusing, otherwise I would've posted them by now. Actually it would be more amusing to speculate what I was thinking when I downloaded the picture in the first place...
It is better to look good than to play good
Rather than break down numbers of the most irrelevant statistics like most sportswriters and analysts do, this guy predicts the Super Bowl outcome based on who's got the better uniforms.His column is a breath of fresh air in sportswriting and a subject that could be addressed more. Too many athletics uniforms these days are designed solely on marketing potential rather than aesthetics and good taste. Just look at the NHL.