erratic automatic
whatever. whenever.
31 July 2006
28 July 2006
It's been a long time coming

Vulgarity as an art form

26 July 2006
Samuel L.'s snake

24 July 2006
Back to the future!

The industry tends to go through cycles too so I’m curious if 10-20 years down the line it’ll go into remake mode again and bring back whatever's big with the younger set these days. Sponge Bob Squarepants? Power Rangers? Spider-Man?
18 July 2006
Uuuurrrnnnhhhhh! Huuh!!!

17 July 2006
I choo-choo-choose you!

It wasn’t long ago when I decided there was nothing good about Thom Yorke’s songwriting post Kid A. Aside from lyrics I couldn’t comprehend even if I tried, there were irregular blips and beeps coupled with keyboards and guitars mashed together in what passed as a song to him. These songs earned an automatic skip for me on recent Radiohead albums. I had no intention of checking out his new solo album (pressing a few buttons to download it would’ve been too much effort) but I gave it a listen after someone gave it to me. As a whole, it’s no keeper but I actually liked a few songs enough to listen to them more than twice. Then it led me to wonder why I get into certain types of music at certain times. I go through phases, I know that; listen to the same song/album/genre long enough you get tired of it. I just wonder why I can go from singer-songwriter to samba to alternative and then jazz for no reason.
Two quotes keep ringing in my head concerning this: “You don’t choose music; music chooses you,” and “I found it [the music] at the right time.” The first is from music critic Lester Bangs in the movie Almost Famous and the second from my buddy Eric. Both make sense, I just wish I didn’t waste space on my hard drive hoping music will choose me a few months from now.
12 July 2006

The World Cup's been over and done with for a few days so this post isn't exactly timely, but I've got photos to share. Ever since I worked in newspapers, I've always been am

It's been a long month but Italy's in ecstasy and I've got memories of great goals, master thespians, headbutts and sleep deprivation. It's another four years until the next tournament takes place in South Africa and thanks to my future o

Last soccer post for a long time. Promise.
03 July 2006
The 'S' stands for Quality

Random fact: Brandon Routh has the same birthday as me, except I'm a year older.
02 July 2006
You truly suck, Hasselhoff

At least the news gave me an excuse to share another golden moment with the 'Hoff captured on film. I'm not going to try to understand the whole point of the pic because with David Hasselhoff, there is no point.