erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

20 June 2006

10 people in every college dorm

National Lampoon strikes back with
10 people in every college dorm
I lived in the dorm for two years at MSU so the odds must be good I had all 10...

1. The chick who gets pregnant and drops out - check
2. The pothead - check, this is pretty much standard
3. The floor slut - if there was one, I didn't meet her

4. The one guy the floor slut won't sleep with - see #3...

5. The R.A. - see #2

6. The guy who never sleeps, ever - nope

7. The guy who is gay and doesn't know it - does my buddy from high school who lived in the dorm
across the street count? I think it does!

8. The guy with a shitload of piercings - nada

9. The guy with mouth herpes - hmmm, none that i spotted

10. The guy who lives for football but can't play because of a knee injury - haha i had three

6/10 (or 8/10) = my dorms sucked :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, you lived in a big hall too, my dorm sucked but thankfully to my neighbors next door. Pete basically helped knock off most of the categories and so did my nastolgic stoner roomate. haha

1:49 AM  

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