erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

20 April 2009

Help I'm Alive

Been listening to a lot of Canadian music the last couple of weeks. It started with Neil Young after I discovered his live archives. Then Rush and Arcade Fire came along thanks to movie tie-ins. Broken Social Scene is perfect music for me to get a lot of work done.

Now it's Metric, whose latest album 'Fantasies' released last week. While happy with the final tracks, I'm liking the acoustic versions of some of the songs even more. Here's a nice piece about vocalist Emily Haines writing while in exile in Buenos Aires.

18 April 2009

Junior Kickstart

I've always felt The Go! Team's "Junior Kickstart" would be the perfect background music for a chase scene. I was glad to see the band felt the same way when producing the music video. I didn't think it would turn out like this.

I mean that in a good way.

16 April 2009

Bizarro world

That's not the random group of Seinfeld lookalikes that filmed the fictional pilot "Jerry." That's a random group of Seinfeld lookalikes filming the real-life adult video production Seinfeld: A XXX Parody!

13 April 2009

This is appropriate

Oh look there's video!