erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

31 October 2008

Happy Halloween

Possibly the coolest costume ever, complete with a DeLOREAN!!!!

29 October 2008

Halloween costume FOUND

Meet Dr. McNinja.

This is probably old by internet standards, but I've never heard of it until now.

12 October 2008

Enter 'Quantum Leap' pun here

I have a feeling that will be the most overused phrase used in the media blitz for the next Bond movie, out Nov. 14.

In anticipation of el Solace de Quantum, I've given Casino Royale another viewing. It holds up pretty well, long after that new-Bond-movie euphoria has passed. That, and my balls still hurt after the torture scene.

Funny how much of an uproar the casting of Daniel Craig caused.

05 October 2008

Somebody finally shaved

and glued all the trimmings to his shoulders.