erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

28 September 2008

RIP Paul Newman

Actor. Racer. Salsa magnate. You'll always be Reggie Dunlop to me.

26 September 2008


"Jesus is my friend" by Sonseed.

I know Jesus is many things but according to Sonseed, he is like a Canadian Mountie and he will hunt you down and touch you inside.

17 September 2008

Nine kinds of drinkers, gotta collect them all!

England's Department of Health has conducted research and determined there are nine types of heavy drinkers:
  1. Depressed drinker
  2. De-stress drinker
  3. Re-bonding drinker
  4. Conformist drinker
  5. Community drinker
  6. Boredom drinker
  7. Macho drinker
  8. Hedonistic drinker
  9. Border dependents
Read up on the details here. Which category do you fall in?

15 September 2008

It's coming

You know you want it...

14 September 2008

League of Morons

Back 1996, the Coen Brothers garnered critical success and some Academy Awards for their thriller Fargo. They followed that up with The Big Lebowski, a nonsensical comedy of utter ridiculousness that flew over people's heads during its theatrical run but found an audience on video. It is now quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever.

Fast forward to 2007. The Coen Brothers earned critical success and some more Academy Awards for their thriller No Country for Old Men. They followed that up with Burn After Reading, a nonsensical comedy of utter ridiculousness. I doubt it will find the same success as Lebowski in either the short- or long-terms, but it's a strong addition to the Coens' catalog of comedies.

Without going into the plot in any detail whatsoever, the cast gets entangled in a sequence of events that becomes so convoluted and confusing, it can only be considered stupefying by outsiders. Burn After Reading's subtle, brand of dark humor won't appeal to everyone (it only contains a few truly laugh-out-loud moments), but if you get the Coen Brothers, you'll be giggling to yourself throughout 96 minutes.

John Malkovich steals the show as a deposed mid-level Washington suit dealing with his newfound unemployment. He channels an awful lot of Lebowski with his role as he drops F-bombs left and right while spazzing out. Brad Pitt also has a funny turn as an earnest personal trainer whose efforts to be a "good samaritan" blow up in his face. Not surprisingly, the film is at its best when the two are together on-screen.

07 September 2008

Stereotyping music lovers

Indie: Devotees have low self-esteem and are not very hard-working, kind or generous. However, they are creative.

Rock 'n' Roll: Fans have high self-esteem and are very creative, hard-working and at ease with themselves, but not very kind or generous.

Blues: High self-esteem, creative, outgoing and at ease with themselves.

Classical: Classical music lovers have high self-esteem, are creative and at ease with themselves, but not outgoing.

Heavy metal: Very creative and at ease with themselves, but not very outgoing or hard-working.

Reggae: High self-esteem, creative, outgoing, kind, generous and at ease with themselves, but not very hard-working.

Country & Western: Very hard-working and outgoing.

Dance: Creative and outgoing but not kind or generous.

Rap: High self-esteem, outgoing.

It's all explained by science.

02 September 2008

The Baumer's Meltdown

With the US Open in full swing, I've got tennis fever. And with that in mind, I'd like to share my favorite tennis scene in a movie not about tennis. Seems to be the only one that I can recall, actually.