erratic automatic
whatever. whenever.
Turbo boost!
So a new Knight Rider pilot just aired, and from what I've read, a 10-minute montage of Turbo Boosts from the original series is infinitely more entertaining.I don't know why but I can't stop laughing whenever I see KITT nail the landing and then see Hasselhoff turn around and check out what he just jumped over.Classic!
Decision 2008
So who would win in a fight, a taco or a grilled cheese sandwich? To help in your decision-making, I thought I'd include some salient points for each.In making a case for the taco: Incredibly versatile, unlike the grilled cheese. Variety is the spice of life. Hard or soft shell? Beef, steak, chicken or fish? And then topped with veggies, cheese and sauce. It's a complete meal in your hand, what's not to like?In making a case for the grilled cheese sandwich:melted gooey cheese scrunched between golden, crispy, buttery slices of bread. It's leagues better than its bastard cousin, grilled cheese and ham (or turkey) and is easier and faster to make than the taco. Oh yeah, without the grilled cheese, Kraft American Singles wouldn't have a purpose in life. Yes, I got this from Hot Rod.
Merchandising gone wrong
I assure you, these are real. Some one quick drive down 8 Mile and find some!
Coke and...?
Vanilla, lemon, lime, cherry, bacon? Now that's two great tastes that don't taste great together.I think.Now available in all regions with a surplus of pork.
Ask and you shall receive

Reasons No. 2 and 3 to get Lost: Sawyer and Jun
Sawyer is a bad-ass, a modern day Han Solo.
Jun is the guy you can't understand, a modern day Chewbacca.
All this talk of men and Star Wars is giving me flashbacks to a certain lightsaber party...
Good idea, guy
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