erratic automatic
whatever. whenever.
Adventures in hi-fi
If you're looking for some high fidelity in your portable music experience, iLounge's 5-part Complete Guide to Earphones is a great place to start your search. I'm in the market for my fourth pair in seven months, and this is coming in handy figuring out which ones have earth-shattering bass and block out ambient noise so I can study/rock out/go deaf uninterrupted.I really could've used this guide before I bought the over-the-ear canalphones similar to the ones pictured here. Maybe then I would've been able to figure out that Sony discriminates against people with small ears...
Japanese advertising is persuasive
That's right, that guy just exploded. This is from a commercial of an ingenious advertising campaign by Sega to save their flop of a console, the Sega Saturn.The campaign basically told Japanese consumers they must play Sega Saturn, or they will be murdered, er, punished by Sega mascot/martial arts extraordinaire Segata Sanshiro. He even beats up a couple kids for opting to do something healthy like play baseball instead of Sonic the Hedgehog. Brilliant.
Kill me now
adult swim has a pretty unique sense of humor, so I'm not exactly surprised to see a quirky little flash game entitled Five Minutes to Kill (Yourself) show up on their site. It's a neat concept.
The title is pretty self-explanatory. After deciding what to wear to another mundane day in the office (Should I wear khakis or...khakis?), you go nuts and decide to take your life in 5 minutes, using office equipment, staplers, fat people and pinatas to do yourself in. All you need to know is how to use the arrows and the space bar on your keyboard and you're set to soothe those suicidal tendencies.
Unless you like cats and played Street Fighter II back in the day, you probably won't know or care about this photo :p
Japanese TV is educational
Problems potty training the young'uns?
PROBLEM SOLVED!!**Now with subtitles
Regarding humble rodents and old friends...
Personality plus
Come take the House, M.D. personality test and see which character you are.Wondering which one I am? Here's a hint: I have no balls.
Australia I hardly knew ye
Australia busted Stallone for having a banned substance. This can only mean the continent's going to be busted into rubble because I think he was muttering something like "Ah'm yuh wurst nightmare..." as he left his court hearing...
Back in June I wrote what my top 5 sporting events were. Well, another one of them is upon us and for the first time in a long time (okay, maybe ever) I have no idea what's going on. No idea who are the favorites. No idea who has a chance. No idea who's in the Top 25. No idea who the upset specials might be. I didn't even know MSU made the field until I saw the bracket.That's why filling out the bracket will be so much fun. Care to join me?
Nike, what have you done?
Behold, Nike's form-fitting basketball uniforms of the future.
These may seem like a great idea now, but not every basketball player has the physique to get a role in 300. Just ask Oliver Miller...
3.7.07 = 300
Go time!
Total Testosterone
Before their bodies turned into cellulite, they were responsible for some of the finest action on celluloid.One ended the Cold War. The other conquered California.Now they face off against...each other!
Block party in my pants
I came across this LEGO blog and came away thinking three things.1. There's some impressive work there.
2. Those people have a lot of time on their hands.
3. Why can't they make something cool like LEGO porn instead?Oh wait, nevermind. It's been done. Another Internet Miracle!