erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

27 September 2006

Would you have sex with this guy?

I don't how he managed to do it, but Screech got laid. And then he filmed it and now someone's trying to sell the sex tape. I'm curious what kind of girls got screeched because he doesn't have a lot going for him; it can't be hookers because last I heard, he was broke.

This choice quote from the genius who's poised to unleash Screech and lil' Screech upon the public pretty much says it all:

"Just when you think you have seen everything in this business," he tells us, "mankind has raised the bar another notch. Or lowered it."

24 September 2006

Fun with names

From the book "Freakonomics" via ABC News comes the top 20 whitest- and blackest-sounding girl and boy names. It should be more like the top 16 whitest-/blackest-sounding girls names since four spelling variations for Katelyn and Jasmine are listed. Other than that, the list checks out. Could there be a whiter-sounding name than Brad? ;)

Turns out Darryl is one of the blackest names for men. You hear that Hall and Oates?? And I thought Oates was the black one. Actually, I don't know what he is...

20 September 2006

It's Thursday night...

...and all I want to do is Dance! Dance! Dance!

Back in the day when The Daily Show was not hosted by Jon Stewart and politicians didn't know that Comedy Central existed, Craig Kilborn hosted it and devoted his Thursday night "Moment for Us" to dancing.

15 September 2006

Van Dammage Part Deux

Just because. And is it me or does the background song in this chase sequence from Bloodsport just not fit? The Benny Hill theme song would be more appropriate. Or better yet, how about the Mentos jingle...?

10 September 2006

"John, I'm not gonna shoot you between the eyes. I'm gonna shoot you between the balls!"

That line is poetry. And if you agree, there's a good chance you know it came from the murdering spree that is Arnold Schwarzenegger's Commando. And if you knew the rest of the quote before you finished reading it, there's a good chance that you've visited like thousands the world over to revel in the movie's greatness.

I just found it and am astounded at the amount of information the site has amassed concerning the film, not to mention the amount of thought some dude's spent analyzing said film. Did he (or anyone for that matter) have to compare each of the film's characters and numerically rate them according to toughness, intelligence, strength of good/evil, plot importance, effectiveness and special ability? No, but the world is better for it for sure.

And you owe it to yourself to play the "Let Off Some Steam, Bennett" flash game (current top score = 26), at least for the background music.

08 September 2006

Goin out in a Blades of Glory

Still waiting for the boat with the reels for Talladega Nights arrive in the PI so I can see it, but I'm already looking forward to Will Ferrell's next project, Blades of Glory. He's brought insight into the minds of anchormen, soccer dads and pure idiots. Now he takes us into the life of the male figure skater. Don't act like you're not impressed!

06 September 2006

Radio(logy) Ga Ga

Let's play radiologist and examine this x-ray for any abnormalities...

04 September 2006

My own nice...kicks...?????

Instead of buying some gaudy design conceived by the crackheads at Nike, they've given me the option to be a crackhead and design my own gaudy shoe.

Messing with the different color combinations is strangely addicting and I've already come up with three designs I would probably own by now if I wasn't in the PI...

03 September 2006


Nike Air Force 1s with a design inspired by the Philippine flag. The national colors look a bit gaudy on a shoe. Can't say I'd wear something like that. Or pay $180 to own it. Get a better look here.