erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

25 August 2009

If by talking you mean to pee...

Out of all the wondrous things Miss Japan 2009 could've talked about, she chose to tell the world about Japanese toilets. You stay classy lady!

04 August 2009

G.I. Balboa

With the impending release of the new live-action G.I. Joe film, there's a renewed interest in the old toyline/comic book/cartoon property. Not surprisingly, there's a bunch of fansites devoted to all things G.I. Joe, filled to the brim with useless knowledge to satisfy that curiousity. Take for instance this little tidbit about how Rocky Balboa almost became a Joe. I would've rather gotten that than the Rambo cartoon.

The film itself has gotten surprisingly good reviews after a whole lot of bad buzz. Hopefully this is indicative of the general consensus and not some fanboy joygasm.