erratic automatic

whatever. whenever.

28 August 2007

Not necessary

I don't know about you, but I don't think American Gladiators is something that needs a revival, but the braintrust at NBC seem to think so. If production pushes through, I think this is going to end up like a car wreck at the side of the road. Everyone's going to momentarily gawk and move on, banishing it to cable TV rerun land.

So how many Gladiator names ending with -azer can you come up with?

Lazer, Blazer, Razer, Tazer, Crazer, Frazer, Erazer, Grazer, Pulverazer, Titillazer...

23 August 2007

Useless knowledge

Apparently, there's an international standard for paper size. Now I know all those paper size options in Microsoft Word are legit.

Unsurprisingly, the USA does not follow international rules and instead sticks with its own made-up standard. It's the metric system all over again.

"This standard has been adopted by all countries in the world except the United States and Canada. In Mexico, Colombia and the Philippines, despite the ISO standard having been officially adopted, the U.S. "letter" format is still in common use."

The Philippines likes to use 8.5" x 13" paper. I've grown used to having two extra inches at the bottom of my paper, but it rendered all the binders and folders I brought with me useless.

17 August 2007

Regurgitation station

Mmmm, poignant and powerful.

Found it on the blog of soccer journalist Adam Spangler, This Is American Soccer.

Random artwork aside (and it is very random), there's some good reading to be found there in relation to futbol happenings around the USA whether it's the national team, MLS, David Beckham and everything in between.

16 August 2007

Speaking of which

Look how well animated Sgt. Slaughter is...

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a live-action G.I. Joe movie is in the works, given how well Transformers turned out. I'm not about to pass judgement on the project, but news of some casting considerations is interesting...Marky Mark as Duke?

14 August 2007

Matt Damon is in Arthur

Just what I always wanted! (crap did I say that out loud...?) Anyway, this blog has the story.

Is it me or does anyone besides Sgt. Slaughter or the Harlem Globetrotters just look terrible when they get animated?